by @itguysteam | May 13, 2018 | Infos
Google Drive One of the miracles of the modern age. Before google drive, people use to email files to themselves, or have to carry around an external hard drive to keep files with them at all times. Now working in the cloud is a breeze. Just load up all of your files...
by @itguysteam | Apr 13, 2018 | Infos
Network drives are becoming increasingly more common when it comes to storing and sharing data on a network. But what happens when you can no longer see your network storage drive on the network? When the notorious RED X of Death (worse than it sounds) on a network...
by @itguysteam | Jun 14, 2017 | Infos
The short answer is …nothing good The long answer is that your hard drive is either showing the beginning stages of or has already begun to fail. It’s very serious and if you have the ability to access your data and store it somewhere else, do so right...
by @itguysteam | May 18, 2017 | Infos
“With the first link the chain is forged, the first speech censored, the first thought forbidden, chains us all irrevocably” As a user of the internet, you want to get what you ask for and not have what you’re able to view controlled by any outside entity in...
by @itguysteam | May 16, 2017 | Infos
What is ransomeware you ask? Ransomeware is when a horrible mean spirited human being or set of human beings work to do others digital harm for financial gain. They create a special type of virus that runs through your computer and encrypts every files on the computer...
by @itguysteam | Feb 16, 2017 | Infos
All computers slow down over time. Its a fact of life But there are a few cheap and easy ways to speed up your MacBook like new or better than new! Check out the tips below to enhance the performance of your MacBook. With a little knowledge and skill, you’ll be...
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