10 Steps To Make A PC Faster
People often ask how to make A PC faster. So here’s a short list detailing 10 simple ways to help make a PC faster with simple techniques and tricks.
Many things can cause your computer to slow down; simply using your PC means downloading new programs and files, which all affect the functioning of your computer. To fix a sluggish Windows PC, try the following ten steps:
It’s a good idea before embarking on any mission to make a PC faster to create a restore point. This means that if the changes you have made on your boulder computer result in a complete catastrophe you can always go back to the point of departure, and not lose any data. To do this, you will need to: Open the Start menu (bottom left), go to Programs > Accessories > System Tools > System Restore. The computer will ask you to pick an option for the System Restore Point, after which you click Next. Fill in a name for the restore point and click Create.
Next step to make a PC faster is to create more hard disk space on your computer. One of the biggest challenges to make a PC faster is that our local users somehow fill up their hard drives no matter how big they are. It’s like there’s some sort of pirate bay where people down load movies. But no worries, I’m guilt of it too. However the challenge in Boulder PC Repair with low memory or disk space might be one of the main things slowing down your computer. Delete all pictures, music and video files you no longer need, or move them to a flash drive or check out our blog on external hard drives for information solutions. Also, uninstall programs you do not use. That’s a huge one. To uninstall programs, you can either choose the program in Start > All Programs and see if there is an uninstaller, or by going to Start > Control Panel > Add or Remove Programs (XP) or Programs and Features if you’re using windows vista or 7. Be sure to only remove programs you are sure you do not need.
Put that soap bucket down. Clean disk is a utility built into your system tools that will clean up your temporary, unused, and unwanted files to make a PC faster. Although blowing out your computer does help if you have a god of dust caked on to your processor heat sink (the thingy with the fan). To do this on Windows, go to Start > All Programs > Accessories > System Tools > Disk Cleanup to make a pc faster. You might be asked to specify which drive you wish to clean. The tool will suggest a list of files for you to delete, but be careful not to select files you wish to keep. You’re looking for drive C which is also the default, and it’s usually okay to delete everything it suggests, but if you’re not completely sure about a file, better to keep it and find out later to make a pc faster.
This one isn’t so common to make a PC faster. But separate from cleaning your disk,you should repair errors on it too. To repair disk errors on Windows first close all open files, then click Start > (My) Computer > right-click on the hard disk you want to repair > choose Properties > Tools > Scan for and attempt recovery of bad sectors in windows XP, or Check Now in windows vista or 7.
In the same dialog box of the system tools you will also find an option for Defragmentation. Disk Defrag is a huge component to make a PC faster and reduces the amount of fragmentation in file systems, therefore increasing the speed of your computer. It’s a good thing to make a PC faster.
This one is a little tricky to make a PC Faster, not because it’s tough, it’s just that every computer is different and it really depends on what you do with your system to execute it properly. Basically there’s usually a lot of things that boot up with your computer unnecessarily, and all you really need is your antivirus and maybe a wireless card utility. But everyone is different. To prevent these programs from running on the background and thus slowing down your computer, go to Start > Run, type msconfig in the dialog box that appears and click Enter. Click the Startup tab and uncheck the programs you do not need to run on start-up to make a PC faster.
Viruses and malware can interfere a ton with your computer systems and stop you from make a PC faster. It’s always a good idea to take advantage of our free antivirus available on our downloads page. It will automatically stay up to date and keep you protected from most threats. New viruses come out every minute though so it’s a good idea to double check that your firewall is turned on: Start > Control Panel > Windows Firewall to make a PC faster.
This is the most common challenge with make a PC Faster, automating Windows Update on your computer will help protect your PC, and you will not need to worry about installing the updates manually on a regular basis. However, if your computer is old and slow, automatic updates might have a negative effect on your computer’s performance. To enable or disable updates on an XP, go to Start > Control Panel > Security Center > Automatic Update. On Windows 7: Start > All Programs > Windows Update to make a pc faster.
It’s the little details that can get you the most when you make a PC faster. Sometimes we ignore the obvious. It’s important to establish if it’s your computer that’s running slow, or your internet that’s running slow. You can check your internet speed with the widget at the top of this screen (5mbps is normal). If you are using a wireless connection on your computer, and your Internet is slow, check that your modem is not covered with obstructing items, and that there is enough air space around it. If your computer and modem are very dusty, you should blow them clean, or use a duster or a dry cloth to make a PC faster.
This is a super advanced technique to be used ONLY if the above tips did not improve your computers performance and make a pc faster, you might be faced with a cluttered Windows registry. To correct this problem, you will need to install a registry cleaner (Though this is not recommended for the average user to make a pc faster. You can download one for free, but the choice for the cleaner needs to be made with care. In Boulder PC repair, cleaning the registry is a delicate matter, and a careless clean-up may lead to a destroyed Windows. It’s best to have a professional boulder PC repair technician come out and take care of it for you. If you undertake a registry clean-up on your own, on top of creating a restore point, you should back-up your registry. You can find free back-up programs by doing a simple search on the Internet to make a PC Faster.
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