
Godaddy retracted it’s support for the anticonstitutional bill, but it was already too late.

Past actions speak louder than recent words. Godaddy showing support for such an act display at best violent ignorance, or at worst malicious intent.

Companies like GoDaddy even in brief support of SOPA need to know that the online community will respond. It’s time to make an example of GoDaddy. Here’s how to Boycott them.

A Step-by-Step Guide to Transfer Domains Out Of GoDaddy (reposted from jeffepstien’s blog)

Follow these step-by-step directions to transfer all of your domains from GoDaddy to Anyone Else.

Step 1: Login to GoDaddy and get to the domain manager.

Step 2: Select all domains

Step 3: Click on the “Locking Icon”

Step 4: Uncheck “lock domains”

Step 5: Find the tools tab —> “exportable lists”


Step 6: Click on “Add New Export” button

Step 7: Select “All My Domains” as the list type

Step 8: Check the “Authorization codes” box


Step 9: Generate the Exportable List

Step 10: Create account at another provider

Step 11: Go to “transfer domain”

Step 12: Enter domains you wish to transfer & click “transfer”

Step 13: Checkout

Step 14: Update EPP (Authorization code) code from GoDaddy Export File

Step 15: (Back at GoDaddy) Chose “Pending Transfers”

Step 16: Check all the domains (note: not all of the domains are not showing up yet, this takes a few hours apparently…)

Step 17: Check the “Accept” button and approve!

Step 18: Adios Godaddy!

Step 19: Transfer Complete (about 6 hours later)

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